How to Look on the Bright Side

Gratitude jars, daily mantras, appreciation journals, happy hours... however you practice gratitude, keep it up. There have been loads of studies about how gratitude makes us happier, and in times of unpredictability and stress, a little hit of serotonin can do wonders.
On a recent Zoom-powered company happy hour, we went around and shared each of our shelter-in-place silver linings. It was just about the happiest hour we've ever had!
Use these questions to jump start your mind to look on the bright side:
I have more time to...
I reignited my love of...
I spend more time with...
I have a newfound appreciation for...
My favorite part of my day is...
We posed the same questions to a few Toads. From slow morning routines to tapping into the green thumb, their responses reflect a gleaming, beaming Bright Side.
I have more time to… appreciate the mind of a 15-year-old.
I reignited my love of… fresh air yoga.
I spend more time with… my 9-year old golden retriever…social distancing is NOT her thing. #shadow
I have a newfound appreciation for... fresh herbs, they make the most boring dinner feel gourmet!
My favorite part of my day is... happy hour, it truly feels happy!
I have more time to... cook
I reignited my love of... gardening
I spend more time with... pups
I have a newfound appreciation for... living in a rural area
My favorite part of my day is... lunch in the sun on my patio, sometimes with my husband Andy which we have NEVER been able to do before.
I have more time to... perfect my breadmaking technique
I reignited my love of... my community. Venturans are being so helpful and kind to one another, it touches my heart every day.
I spend more time with... my feline colleagues, but I think they might be getting tired of having me around so much.
I have a newfound appreciation for... all the skills my mom taught me as a child (cooking, baking, gardening, knitting, sewing) that I am putting to good use these days.
My favorite part of my day is... after dinner when my beloved and I settle in on the couch to watch my latest Netflix obsession, The Protector.
I have more time to... sleep in 😊
I reignited my love of... working on the house
I spend more time with... my wife and three kids
I have a newfound appreciation for... group activities
My favorite part of my day is... dinner!
I have more time to... spend with my family.
I reignited my love for... gardening and movies.
I spend more time extended friends and family circle around the world whom I have not connected with in a very long time.
I have a newfound appreciation for... how much my wife does for our home and family.
My favorite part of my day is... evening when kids ride bikes in the front street.
I have more time to... channel my inner Ina Garten (trying all sorts of new recipes, and yes, that includes supersized cocktails too)
I reignited my love of... carbs (never really went away, but stronger than ever in quarantine)
I spend more time with... my garden. My fiancé and I are proud parents right now – our vegetable and herb garden has never looked better.
I have a newfound appreciation for... technology. Spending more time catching up with long-distance friends and family via Zoom and Facetime has been a big bright spot.
My favorite part of my day is... after work neighborhood and beach walks. Feel like I’m noticing plants, trees, and architecture that I’ve never seen before.
I have more time to... get that extra hour of sleep I desperately need
I reignited my love of... laying on the couch and reading a good book on a lazy weekend afternoon
I spend more time with... my 6-year-old (although balancing WFH and Homeschooling is challenging)
I have a newfound appreciation for.... my daughter’s teachers (actually ALL teachers, but Mrs. Trac especially)
My favorite part of my day is... the slow morning routine
I have more time to... enjoy a “slow” morning of coffee and breakfast taking in the day.
I reignited my love of... Santa Barbara. Being able to get outside and enjoy the neighborhood and the smells of spring.
I spend more time with... my mother-in-law. She has become part of our “family unit.”
I have a newfound appreciation for... my neighbors. The optimism in our community is so uplifting.
My favorite part of my day is... walks, hikes, bike rides with my 2 year-old.
I have more time to... be present with and appreciative of those special people in my life
I reignited my love of... inventing new cocktail recipes from things found in our garden. I’ve also reignited my love affair with the push up. 💪🏼
I spend more time with... my diehard crew of beagle and husband
I have a newfound appreciation for... my meditation practice
My favorite part of my day is... walking the pup in the morning right after sunrise with a warm mug of coffee