The great outdoors can come with some real buzz kills. And we're not talking inclement weather - we mean bugs. Small bugs with big bites that can really put a damper on your day (and beyond). Like the recent Zika virus, devastating insect-borne diseases like Lyme disease and Malaria can spread virtually unseen by unsuspecting bugs. So we've taken some of our favorite travel styles and turned them into high-tech Debug clothing to help protect you all season long.
Our Debug styles are treated with Insect Shield® technology for effective, odorless protection against insects that can carry devastating viruses. Here's why we like Insect Shield® technology:
It converts your clothing into long-lasting, effective and convenient insect protection
The technology is built right into the clothing and lasts the expected lifetime of the product
Effective, odorless insect protection lasts through 70 washings (and yes, you can wash it regularly!)
It repels mosquitos, ticks, chiggers and midges (no-see-ums)
It protects against insects including those that can carry Lyme disease, West Nile virus, malaria and other insect-borne diseases
Insect Shield® technology is EPA registered, which means it's been evaluated to ensure it will not have adverse effects on people or the environment